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Antonia Ozeroff

Ozeroff Mediation Services


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Ozeroff Mediation Services
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ADR Directories
  • Civil and County Matters
  • Family Law / Divorce
ADR Directory Details
Type of ADR Practiced: Mediation, Med./Arb., Settlement Conference and Facilitation

Formal ADR Training: 40 Hour Mediation Certificate; Advanced Mediation, Family Law Mediation, Family Law CLE, Elder Mediation, and Med/Arb Training; ongoing training through CMS Denver, JCMS Golden, and Colorado Bar and Boulder Bar Associations.

Related Background: 16 year law private and corporate practice encompassing commercial, workplace and labor litigation and advice, 6 years mediation of Family/Divorce and Civil/Workplace matters.

Hours available: M-F 8-6; Other times based on appointment

Hourly charge: $75 - $125 per party per hour. Sliding Scale available.

Contact Us

3269 28th Street

Boulder, CO 80301

(303) 440.4758

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